How to Keep Your Human Hair Products Moisturized In Winter
Just like you skin needs to keep moisturized against the frozen and dry weather in winter, your hair is also in desire of rich nourishment and proper maintenance. Furthermore,human hair products,as made from the fallen hair from donors, it has no life rather than your own hair, requiring more tender and careful care to keep it lively. So how to keep your human hair products moisturized in winter? Just follow me to figure it out together as below.
No.1 Pr-poo Your Hair Before Wash
One efficient way to minimize the moisture loss is to apply oil to the hair before you wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner. It's super important.
No.2 Keep Safe Away From Wind,Coldness and Heat
Try to wear a hat or scarf to keep the hair good away from tough weather as possible as you can, and convert to other styling devices like perm rods, flex i-rods rather than high temperature flat iron which can suck the whole moisture off your hair strands.
No.3 Steam Or Boil Your Hair
Steaming your human Hair helps to add moisture and elasticity to the hair, which is especially needed during winter. So is boiling, which can rejuvenate a dead and rough hair to its original state it came to you.
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